Monday, September 19, 2011

Those Who Bring Sunshine to the Lives of Others Cannot Keep it From Themselves

There was a wealthy noblewoman who had grown tired of life.  She had everything one could wish for except happiness and contentment.  She said, "I am weary of life.  I will go to the river and there end my life."

As she walked along, she felt a little hand tugging at her skirts. 
Looking down, she saw a frail, hungry-looking little boy who
pleaded, "There are six of us.  We are dying for want of food!" 
The noblewoman thought, "Why should I not relieve this wretched family?  I have the means, and it seems I will have no more use for riches when I am gone.

Following the little boy, she entered a scene of misery, sickness, and want.  She opened her purse and emptied its contents.

The family members were beside themselves with joy and gratitude.  Even more taken with their need, the noblewoman said, "I'll return tomorrow, and I will share with you more of the good things which God has given to me in abundance!"

She left that scene of want and wretchedness rejoicing that the child had found her.  For the first time in her life she understood the reason for her wealth.  never again did she think of ending her life, which was not filled with meaning and purpose.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

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