Saying, "Make me feel important!"
It isn't enough to say in our hearts
That we like a man for his ways,
It isn't enough that we fill our minds
With paeans of silent praise;
Nor is it enough that we honor a man
As our confidence upward mounts,
It's going right up to the man himself,
And telling him so that counts!
If a man does a work you really admire,
Don't leave a kind word unsaid,
In fear that to do so might make him vain
And cause him to "lose his head."
But reach out your hand and tell him,
"Well done," and see how his gratitude swells;
It isn't the flowers we strew on the grave,
It's the work to the living that tells.
For lack of praise, many think others draw negative conclusions about them. We can actually wound people by withholding our praise. Let someone know you think well of him or her today. What a difference your words will make!
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
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