The next morning the colonel wrote Payne, requesting his presence at a local tavern. Payne obliged, but wondered what motives and demands the colonel might make--perhaps an apology or even a duel. To Payne's surprise, the colonel met him with an apology, asking forgiveness for his derogatory remarks and offering a handshake.
The move may have been viewed by others as politically expedient, but Colonel George Washington considered it personally imperative if he was to enjoy internal peace as he continued with his campaign.
The moment we feel like demanding forgiveness from others...may be the moment when we are to forgive.
If you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth, then do this, my son, to free yourself, since you have fallen into your neighbor's hands. Go and humble yourself, press your plea with your neighbor!
Proverbs 6:2,3
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