Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sometimes the Lord Calms the Storm; Sometimes He Lets the Storm Rage and Calms His Child

storm pla...
In Especially for a Woman, Beverly LaHaye writes about how upset she was when her husband, Tim, told her he wanted to take flying lessons.  Her quick response was, "I think you're foolish!  Why would you want to get into a plane with only one engine?"

Tim asked her to pray about the matter, but she writes, "I started right off giving God my opinions and drawing my own conclusions.  My fear...was controlling me."  Time suggested, "Be open with the Lord...  Let Him know you're afraid of flying, but that you're willing to be changed if that's what He would have."

Beverly did just that.  Tim took flying lessons, and repeatedly she committed her fears--and their lives --to the Lord.

Years later she was a passenger in a commuter plane that was caught in a storm.  As the plane bounced in the sky, the LaHaye's attorney--normally a very calm man--felt sure they were going to crash.  Then he looked over and saw that Beverly was asleep!  He asked her later, "How could you sleep so peacefully?"

Beverly responded, "It has to be God.  Only He could have brought me from that crippling fearfulness...to a place where I could fly through such a storm and be at peace."

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

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